Best Cardboard Duct Tape Boat Design

The r&b: original design and construction by robert green, brendon morey, and alexander winter. senior project for the ap physics vs. ap calculus boat race.. Duct-tape shrinks when it is painted and it also shrinks differently than the cardboard. reinforced paper tape works well over caulked edges and seams. use the tape to cover and reinforce joints and any “open” ends of the cardboard.. Cardboard duck tape boat: a cardboard/ductape boat built for a competition. the plans were built using autocad, and then a lot of duck tape and cardboard. find this pin and more on vbs 2016 submerged by kim barr. bible submarine crafts tony is going to love this design submarine: cardboard and duct tape see more.

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Cardboard boat basics design tips: carefully consider the size of the boat. you must be able to construct the boat, transport it to - best width for solo rider can vary from 18 inches to 30 inches depending on size of - duct tape can be covered by masking tape and then painted. 5 . cardboard boat basics fold & overlap. Average time for building a cardboard and duct tape boat is about 10 hours, but our boat took about 16 hours, 8 rolls of duct tape (regular duct tape and gorilla tape (stronger)). regular duct tape is enough to stop water from entering, but to be extra safe, gorilla tape won't hurt, except it might burn a hole in your wallet..... Each boat was required to hold at least one person and could only be made of cardboard, duct tape, and paint. boats were judged on how fast they could paddle across a swimming pool and how well-built and decorated they were..

best cardboard duct tape boat design

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